Fuel Letters

Patients often reach out to us through letters and emails to tell us how grateful they are and/or how positively their lives have changed after surgery and treatment for limb length discrepancy, limb deformity or limb malalignment, such as knock knees or bowlegs.  Letters like the ones on this page make our day and remind us why we do what we do!


From Ray, Father of patient Adam:

“I just wanted to let you all know that we will be forever grateful. Fathers Day is a day I think of you three more than any other, but I do think of you often. Wishing you a wonderful day from just one of the countless families that you have helped over the years. Thank you!”

From Patient, Nick:

“Thank you SO much for everything you’ve done for me. This procedure truly changed my life for the better, and to such a degree I never thought imaginable.”

From Patient, Piotr:

“It has already been over nine years since you saved my right foot; my ankle joint still does its job.”

From Miriam, mother of patient Sholom:

“Wanted to share with you the news that our son Sholom, who was by you just over two years ago, will be getting married in a month in Israel! … Wishing that you should always have good news from all of your patients!”

From patient, Denise:

…I have since received my RN degree and obtained a high-profile job because of the confidence the surgery has given me. It continues to grow, and I continue to conquer feats each day. I’ve now been able to enter rooms I would have never been able to due to my emotional restrictions. I’ve also been able to search for my dream home. I would have never had the confidence before, all because of my genu valgus condition. It sounds silly, but it held me back in many areas of my life. … I can buy and wear any dress attire without feeling insecure. It’s incredible what the surgery has done for my life. … I thank you. I wish you well and continue what you do. You are indeed an angel and an asset to the medical profession.

From patient, Russell:

I am SO GRATEFUL for the attention, the expertise, the HOURS … that you all cleared for me to get me back to vertical. You are “THE A TEAM” and I want you to know how ecstatic I am about my procedure with you.

An update from Caryn, parent of patient Samantha:

I hope all is well! Samantha is doing really well. She finished PT and is going off to camp again this Saturday. She’s gained a lot of muscle since November in her legs and had more playing time in soccer this spring than she has for the past few years.

An update from patient, Karen:

I am now walking every day from 4 – 6 miles on paved sidewalks… It amazes me that my knees don’t even creak and crack, let alone grind. But even more amazing to me is that my knees no longer knock! … After living with knock knees for 62 years, I am still adjusting to this new sensation.”

From family of Mordechai:

“…we can’t stop thanking you again and again, … He is just full of happiness and a huge smile!”

From patient, Julie:

“…my ankle is feeling pretty great (like total absence of pain most days, what!!?) and I’m chasing my 7 y.o around our little ski hill. I am still working on my ROM and strength, but things are going really well.”

An update from patient, Julia:

“I found myself able to take a few solid and steady steps with no assistive devices in the kitchen while maintaining very good form. This morning, I tried using a cane and felt very comfortable and with no pain. … Simply Amazing!”

From patient, MK:

“I am grateful for your skill … I am beyond grateful! Staying on my own 2 feet and having my legs now reliable means so much to me!”

From patient, Dave:

Thank you all for making my Life so much Better

From patient, Jessica:

“… I had no idea of the severity of my injury and how it would change my life. … You all came together to help turn this situation from one of tragedy into one of an incredible and unlikely recovery. It’s impossible to share in words what this means to me. Words are wholly inadequate to describe the gratitude I feel. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. You are a team of miracle workers.”

From William, about patient Beck:

“We can’t thank you enough for the great care and treatment you gave Beck. You totally changed his life. What you do is so great.”

From Hrithik:

I just really want to thank you for providing information about the [genu valgum] condition and motivating people towards proper treatment. … thank you for making the videos on youtube and posting articles for patients to better understand the procedures. I really respect you and wish you the best for the future.

From patient, Nadia:

I just did a 10 mile walk in support of the jimmy fund. I was worried about using my legs for such a long distance. But they were completely fine, and they exceeded my expectations! No previous knee or hip pain. Almost back to my normal long distance pace. I can’t believe I’m almost back to normal … Overall, I wish I did this 20 years ago.

From patient, Andy:

Thank you for all of you care, thoughtfulness and skill. I cannot thank you enough! Truly amazing to finally be able to say the L leg deformity that I have lived with all of my life has been addressed and is fixed. You have made a difference in my life!

From Susan, about patient Mark:

I am so thankful to you. Because of you, Mark’s life has been changed forever.

From Aviva, mother of patient Zachary:

“I know how much you love what you do. It is evident in the way that you have cared for Zachary. The way Zachary has improved under your care. Improved is certainly an understatement! You have performed miracles with him. And everyone around you has been part of the process.”

From Steven, patient:

“Thank you for making it possible to walk my daughter down the aisle !!! Was awesome! I am truly grateful!!! Bless all of you!”

From Sara, patient:

“I’m in Sedona this week and have done 30+ miles of hikes and climbs with hundreds of feet of elevation. I couldn’t have done this 1-2 years ago. Thank you for helping get me to this place!”

From Joe, patient:

“But you knocked it out of the park and double dipped in success… I can’t say thank you enough.”

From Donna, mother of patient, Logan:

Logan is doing great! … You are such an awesome physician and leader in your work! …. you… are… soooooo… amazing!

From Jonna, patient:

“It was such a relief to be free of being so self-conscious about my legs … a true blessing for me!”

From “Skip-in-my-Step,” an anonymous patient:

“I have been doing all my favorite things with an actual skip in my step all due to the new procedure of osseointegration! Dr. Rozbruch has an amazing understanding & compassion for his patients & through that he has gained the insight on how to maximize the quality of life for so many satisfied & grateful individuals whose lives have changed immensely! … I have been able to recapture my confidence & my freedom of independence! For that, I am forever grateful! I absolutely love & am indebted to Dr. Rozbruch & ALL his associates who collaborated to enhance my experience & give me back the life I knew & I earnestly wished for the last 40!! YEARS!!!”

From Robert, patient:

“I remarked to my wife the other day that I feel no different in the subject leg than my other, this is remarkable. … Thank you so much for all you do, for your expertise, and for helping me. I am doing great, it is in no small part due to you, and I am so very grateful.”

From Aviva, mother of patient Zachary:

“The pleasant surprise and confirmation when the x-rays exhibited what we hoped and prayed for – that there was no degrading since the last x-ray a year ago and that the ankle retained all the positive characteristics that the surgery and fixators fashioned. … To feel both of your excitement as you knew you accomplished something you could illustrate as an example to inspire confidence in others at this amazing procedure. To hear the way Zachary described how he felt when he actually was able to “feel” the sand under his feet at the beach. To get the chills when way you spoke about how this ankle was saved without the debilitating alternatives of movement via a fusion or a prosthetic. …”

From Kavi, patient:

“I feel incredibly straighter and moving like I’ve never moved before. I’m running finally and trying to get stronger. … Thank you so much and I am so glad I got to do this with you! You’ve changed my life.”

From Jake, patient:

“I’m so proud that you are my physician, not only for your superb surgical skills, but also your charisma and compassion. You are honestly one of the most respectable and endearing persons in my life.”

From Jacqueline, patient:

“Two years ago, before I came to you, I could never have imagined being in the position I am in now. What you and your team have done for me is truly priceless.”

From Kristie, patient:

“I can now walk with no pain in my ankle joint for the first time in 14 years…….for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You can’t really know how much all of this means to me.”

From Karen, patient:

“Thank you for changing our lives!”

From David, patient:

“For me it was truly life changing. I had been experiencing pain for several years and had been upset by the cosmetic deformity of my right leg for my entire life. Now, five years later, my right leg remains perfect and pain-free, and I have you to thank for this miracle.”

From Anne, mother of patient Jacob:

It means so much as a parent to know you will always answer my questions and worries with so much patience and care.

From John, Patient:

“I know you likely hear this all the time, but the change has been near miraculous. Nearly intractable back pain that had been present for almost a decade is now virtually resolved.”

From Julia, patient:

“I am grateful for your kindness as a person and for your fearless devotion to your patients as a doctor. Your refusal to let me remain a statistic has enabled me to walk with dignity and pride.”

From Sara, patient:

“Thank you for giving me comfort in one of the most difficult situations I have faced. I am sure you have had an amazing impact on many lives and mine is just one more. Thank you for giving me a new lease on life and the ability to physically achieve things that I have dreamed for years.”

From John D., Patient:

“Thank you again for doing these surgeries for me; they’ve really improved my life.”

From Jo Ann, mother of patient, Stephanie:

“Your confidence, humility, and expertise are an amazing combination and we are so grateful that a stressful situation was much more manageable because of who you are, not just as a doctor, but as a person as well.”

From Maria G., Patient:

“Dr. Rozbruch was very optimistic that he could improve my walking ability and with it my life….. Dr. Rozbruch gave 100% and I got a new life at 58! I will always be grateful for his skill and his patience.”

From Christopher, patient:

“I now realize that Dr. Rozbruch is presented with similar questions and facts over and over by his patients. Yet Dr. Rozbruch always answers you as if you are the only person that has ever had that question. He listens intently, and then responds calmly with understanding and reinsurance. You are the most important person in the room meeting with Dr. Rozbruch.”

From Ann, patient:

“Your tireless medical expertise has given me a new life— one that I will always be thankful to you for providing to me.” 

From Michael and Lilla:


From Shelby, patient:

“I am more grateful for my health and what I can do than I have ever been.”

From Gloria, patient:

“I personally will not forget you and your assisting doctor, and your staff beside manners. I have never met a more attentive and caring people quite like that.”

From Rashid, patient:

“Dr. Rozbruch, what you do with ankle distraction arthroplasty is revolutionary and I hope this becomes the mainstream procedure for any type of ankle arthritis in the future throughout the world. You have changed my life.”

From Pam, mother of patient, Luke:

“Thank you seems so inadequate — we really can’t ever express how grateful we are to you and all of your team.”

From Josie, patient:

“…Look how straight my legs are! … The existence of Mr. Rozbruch on this planet has completely changed my life!”

From Kim, patient:

“…there is no pain in my ankle 98% of the time . . .  That is astonishing to me . . . What a miracle.”

From Laura, Mother of patient, Shannon:

This email does not sufficiently express our overwhelming gratitude to you. Thank you for your knowledge and skill. Without Doctors like yourself and Dr. Lee, both children and adults would not have a fighting chance in terms of major orthopedic issues.

From Joy, Mother of patient, Alex:

Not a week goes by that I don’t think of you and bless you and your family… My son, Alex (femur lengthening 2000, I think), [is] all grown up and married. No issues with his leg. Happy and healthy, thanks to you!!

From Gwen, patient:

There is not a week that goes by that I don’t think of you. Without you I really don’t know what my life would be at this point.

From Allan, patient:

I am so happy I went with you and I just wanted you to know how lucky I am to have had you for my surgeon.

From Maria, patient:

To get a new life at my age  …free of pain and free of constraints in mobility ….I am so lucky that there was a “you!”


From Judy, patient:

I still marvel at how supportive, encouraging and warm you and everyone were. How many people can say a hospital surgery stay was one of the best and warmest highlights of their life?


From Jamie, patient:

I’m really happy I had the surgery! My ankle is much more functional and hurts less, much less of the time. The procedure was an overall success and my ankle is still improving.


From Gayle, patient:

Coming to you was the best thing I ever did, I appreciate your knowledge and kind manner.


From Edward, patient:

…I’ve not had a medical experience so professional and seamless as I did at HSS.”


From Theresa, patient:

We have been traveling for the past 3 weeks, some days walking 4-5 miles…this would not have been possible without you.


From Charles, patient:

…my ankle is feeling stronger every day. I have not been able to walk like this for a very long time.


From Bill,  patient:

Thanks Doctor. I never thought I would see this again…Big hike in Telluride.


From Mark DuMoulin, patient:

…Dr. Rozbruch was able to grow my own healthy bone to fill the gap where the femur bone was missing. This left me with my own, healthy, natural bone with 100% recovery to the condition prior to being diagnosed with Cancer.


From Peter Bayers, patient


From Ettore, Limb Lengthening and Complex Reconstruction Fellow:

Drs. John E. Herzenberg and S. Robert Rozbruch have had the vision and foresight of disseminating this knowledge to the young surgeons by establishing their own fellowship program. The fellowship at HSS is the only one in an academic institution…


From Susan, patient:

From Laura, mother of Robert, a young patient with Russel Silver Syndrome: