
Hi Dr. Rozbruch!

My f/u appointment with you for tomorrow was cancelled, which is fine, but I wanted to at least tell you how well I’m doing. I was really excited for you to see how much progress I have made in one short month.

I’m off crutches, out of the boot, and killing it at PT!! For the first time in 14 years, I can do a squat and keep my heel on the ground! I spend over 3 hours at the PT office M/Wed/Frid. and I have restarted my yoga class. At PT I use the elliptical, I’m starting single leg squats and doing so much more, I can’t even list it all!

Most importantly, I can now walk with no pain in my ankle joint for the first time in 14 years…….for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You can’t really know how much all of this means to me 😁

So thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Stay well up there in NY, and remember to take care of yourself. You are so important to so many people!

– Kristie